Handling A Social Security Disability Denial

If you are saddled with a debilitating medical condition that prevents you from working at your job, you may be able to get the Social Security Administration (SSA) to provide you with a monthly check. Many people get turned down the first time they send in their application, and when you consider how confusing and complex the application process is, it's understandable. Unfortunately, many people just throw up their hands and give up once they get that denial letter from the SSA in the mail. Read on to learn more about the steps you need to take next to get your claim back on track and approved.

Pay close attention to the filing deadlines

All applicants who are denied on their initial application are provided the opportunity to file a request for an appeals hearing. Unfortunately, many people fail to notice how tight the deadline is and miss their chance at pleading their case in front of an administrative hearing officer. You should understand that if you miss this 60 day deadline for filing your appeal paperwork, you may be required to begin the application process all over again from the beginning. By now, you have likely already spent far too much time waiting on your benefits, so make sure that you don't let this two-month period pass you by. If an emergency or other unique situation arises that prevents you from getting your appeal request in on time, you may be able to show proof of it and still have your appeal considered. It should be noted that having Social Security attorney on board to assist you with your claim means that you won't miss that important deadline for the appeal.

Gather those important medical documents

Many first-time claims are denied because the applicant failed to show enough proof of their medical condition. Do not underestimate how important your records of medical treatment are, and ensure that you comply with medical records requests from the SSA in a timely manner. At times, it can be frustrating and confusing when it comes to dealing with the multitude of medical facilities and paperwork required to request those records, but having a Social Security attorney on your side means that those important records can be accessed quickly and competently.

Be ready to appear at the hearing

It's only natural to be a little nervous about your appearance at the hearing; after all, this is an important day for your case, and it's easy to feel a bit intimidated by the entire process. If you are using the services of an attorney, you may feel more at ease just knowing that you will have some guidance that day. You will know what you need to do and say to ensure that the hearing officer fully understands the depth of your medical issues. Additionally, just having legal representation can increase your chances of a favorable ruling.

To learn more, contact a law firm like Vandeventer Black LLP.
