Been In A Car Accident At Work? 3 Things You Need To Do Afterwards

When you are involved in a car accident at your place of work in a company vehicle, your company is responsible for your medical bills and make sure that you make a proper recovery. Here are a few things you need to make sure that you do after being in a car accident at work and dealing with the workers' compensation process.

#1 Get Checked Out By A Medical Professional

Even if you think you feel fine, you need to get checked out by a medical professional. You don't have to take a ride in an ambulance if you don't want to, but you do need to get checked out by a medical professional. You can go to your local hospital emergency room or a local urgent care to get checked out. That is the best way to determine your physical state after the accident, which will be important if you move forward with a workers compensation claim in the future.  Your doctor can also let you know if you may develop issues down the road and what symptoms you should be monitoring for because health consequences with car accidents, such as whiplash and herniated discs, do not always present themselves immediately. 

#2 Check In With Your Work

Next, when you are able, you should call and check in with your place of work. You don't have to get into all the details right away, but let them know that you were involved in a work accident in a work vehicle and that you are getting medical care. Many work places may request that you get your blood drawn and give a urine sample at the doctor's office so that they can confirm that you were not intoxicated or impaired in any way during the accident. If you were, that could affect your workers' compensation case.

Later, when you are able to, you are going to need to complete a write-up of what happened leading up to and during the accident. This will be similar to the type of write up you would need to do for your insurance company if you were to get into an accident with your own private vehicle. You are also going to need to share your medical reports with your workers' compensation insurance company.

#3 Get Follow Up Treatment

As injuries can linger and take a while to manifest following a car accident, make sure that you get follow-up treatment, especially if you start to feel pain in the days following your car accident. When dealing with workers' compensation insurance, you don't want to wait it out, you want to document with a medical professional any physical changes you notice in your body to ensure that you are able to get any medical care that you need to be covered by your work. 

Contact a local workers' compensation attorney for more information and assistance. 
