The Demand Letter: A Call To Action

You might hope to be paid what you deserve after an accident. The other driver was insured, after all. However, it can be a struggle for accident victims to be compensated adequately sometimes. If you are having problems with the insurers, consider speaking to a personal injury attorney and have them put the other side on alert. Read on to find out more.

This Driver is Taking Action

Insurance companies have their own timeline when it comes to paying your bills and reimbursing you for your expenses. They are in no hurry to pay for your medical expenses, get your vehicle fixed, or tend to your other claims for damages. That is why so many victims turn to personal injury lawyers for help. Once your lawyer evaluates your case, they will make contact with the insurer through a letter. This is no simple letter; however, it has the power to get you paid what you deserve.

The Demand Letter

In most cases, the demand letter is the first sign that you are not going to agree to be treated badly. The other driver caused you to have damages and their insurer is supposed to pay for those damages. When they stall, ignore, and deny claims, asking a lawyer to step can work wonders. Now you have an advocate on your side to help:

  • Understand what you are owed
  • Take steps to get paid
  • Negotiate on your behalf to reach a settlement.

What a Demand Letter Contains

This letter sends a message to the other side, but it also provides substance to your claims. Part of the letter is concerned with making sure that they understand that their client is responsible for the accident, and that they owe you compensation. Other parts of the letter list your damages. That means you are owed money for certain things like medical expenses, lost wages, and more.

The next part of the demand letter lets the other side know that you have proof and documentation to back up the damages. That might be things like photographs, medical records, and more. Finally, the crux of the letter is the amount of compensation you are asking to be paid. It goes without saying that you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the insurer if they don't comply with your demand.

What Happens Next?

Demand letters seldom result in an instantaneous offer that meets your demand. However, they do open the door for the negotiations to begin. Your lawyer will do their best to obtain a settlement that covers your needs. Speak to a car accident lawyer to find out more.
